Monday, March 16, 2020

Closest Of Friends: | StarletGirlsOG

Maybe you have lots of friends but you don't have that one special person, or maybe you have absolutely no friends at all. Either way, you'll always have a friend in god, he can be the best friend you've ever met. God made us to love him and for him to love us. God loves you more than your friends, more than your parents, more than yourself. Hard to believe I know but think about it. No friend will love you that much. God gives you everything you need, he loves you more than this entire world and he is with you everywhere you go. What better friend is that? But God will give you an earthly friend, whether it's now or ten years from now you will have that kind of friendship, pray every day about it and see what's to come in every new chapter of your life. 👯

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