Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Satan's Offer: | StarletGirlsOG

Okay, Lets read Mathew 4:10

"Away from me, Satan! For it is written 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him and him only.'"

~Mathew 4:10 (NIV)

Life can be really really hard, School, Broken Friendships, Relationships, Family life or other hard things. Big or small they are still obstacles in your life at that moment. What if someone said that all your problems and dilemmas could be taken away in return for your soul or to worship them? Would you do it? Would you make all of your upsetting ordeals magically disappear with the promise of a carefree life just by returning the favor for your time and worship? Sounds pretty cool right? I mean we already worship god but we don't have a carefree life. Okay well what if I were to tell you that it was Satan telling you all of this? 

The devil tried to do this with Jesus, you might remember that story from Sunday school. Instead of falling for the trick Jesus answered back "Serve god and only god". Instead of taking the temptations hosted by Satan, Jesus denied it and went on to save all of us from certain death, he also knew what was written, God says to worship and serve him and only him. 

Though the devil's statement of a carefree life may seem tempting you have to understand that everything hard or "Bad" in your life is all apart of God's plan for you. Everyone has a purpose. If Jesus had taken Satans offer we would most certainly be put to death and there would be no forgiveness and no mercy. So you can see that even though life is hard its all apart of a magnificent plan. if you truly believe in god, if you worship him and genuinely love him you will enter the gates of heaven where life is carefree. Falling for Satans trick would lead you into a very dark path where you would go to hell and become a slave. Just because things are hard now doesn't mean they will be in the long run. ✌

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